Also, even with an adaptor will my electronics work when plugged into a Korean socket or are they on a different voltage? Basically; how can I get my Australian electronics to work in South Korea?
Korea - 2 Answers
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1 :
Korea is 220v and Australia is 240v...your electronics should be fine with just a simple plug converter... The best time to buy one is at the airport in Australia as you are leaving...or an electronics store before you leave...don't wait until you get here to Korea because it will be difficult to find... I bought a multi-converter that works for many different countries in the airport store the last time I traveled...
2 :
Korea runs on 220v while the Australia. runs on 240v cycles. So you need Down Voltage Regulator Converter to use ur electronics in korea. and other difference is that Australia has 3-pin plugs but Korea socket has 2-pin plugs! so if you want to use electronics which you buy in korea you need plug changer !! Good luck and have a great time in Korea!