Military - 3 Answers
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1 :
I didn't see any when I was there. Korea is tecnically still a war zone.
2 :
I don't think so because of the SOFA agreement we have with the ROK government. I know I didn't see any when I was stationed there. You might want to check with Civilian Employment with whatever branch you want to work with.
3 :
Within certain guidelines, the answer to your question is Yes, they can. You must contact the Area 2 Civilian Personnel Advisory Center at Yongsan Garrison to get the information you are looking for. When asking your questions, ensure you ask about - SUPERIOR QUALIFICATION APPOINTMENT (and also mention your medical specialty field) This allows non-SOFA status personnel, with a Specialty Medical field, to work within U.S. military hospitals here in South Korea. If calling from within South Korea, the Area 2 Civilian Personnel Advisory Center telephone number is - (0505) 738-3655 for the Director.