Why wasn't South Korea recognized in their work in Iraq? I was looking through videos of the war in Iraq on youtube and saw the title, "Korean Army in Iraq." I watched it because I had no idea South Korea was in Iraq. It turned out that South Korea deployed 3000+ soldiers there to bring peace and rebuild iraq while U.S. soldiers were fighting..same with Britain. While watching the video, I saw that South Korea taught Iraqi civilians and did: Material & equipment support Joint Checkpoint constructions Rifle range constructions Build barracks Forest Ranger station construction Military team training (taught civilians to defend themselves) Vocational training centers Computer classes Taught appliance maintinence Vehicle construction heavy equipment operation paved roads public health clinics town halls schools sewers deep wells public parks Hospitals dentists surgeries Planted grasses, plants, etc Soccer Created childrens day (like a field day with band playing, games, etc) and many more. Yeah I know we (U.S.) did all the struggling work and all that, same with Britain but I never heard of South Korea in Iraq. All the time we hear U.S. soldiers in Iraq but why not Korea? I think if the U.S. did some fighting back then and did what South Korea did, the war would have ended by now. I thought the whole point of the war was to bring peace and restore Iraq. It seems though as if South Korea did that to some parts of Iraq. I would like to see us do something like that. Also, I just learned that South Korea had a big part in Vietnam too. What amazes me was that during the vietnam war, their kill ratio was 25:1 where a average American soldier was 9:1. But Korea was not recognized in their work in vietnam too. They also fought in the gulf wars and they are currently in Afghanistan. So the overall question is: Why wasn't South Korea recognized in their work during wars? Why are they so little recognized when they played a huge part? PLEASE no racial comments.
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its whatever news that sells...and apparently, media does not deem this interesting enough or predicts that it would not generate the same amount of viewer/readership that some accidental shooting or an operation planned from bad intel would garner.